There are many things that our environment offers…
culture, cuisine, outdoor sports, and much more
In the province of Granada there is a territory with a spectacular landscape and one of the best continental geological records of the last 5 million years. Among other treasures, this record contains the most complete set of fossil remains of the now extinct large mammals that lived during the Quaternary Period (the last 2.5 million years of the Earth’s history, when humanity appeared on the planet).
The Museum of Galera offers an archaeological tour stretching from the Copper Age to our most recent past.
The well-known partially mummified remains of grave number 121 at the Castellón Alto Archaeological Site (“the Galera Mummy”) are exhibited in the first room. They are oldest and best preserved prehistorical human remains after Ötzi, the 5,000 year old mummy discovered frozen in the Alps in 1991.
It also boasts an ethnographic room where there is a tour of centuries-old winemaking techniques, esparto grass and hemp goods and traditional housing. There are also reproductions of pieces of ceramic pottery found in the archaeological sites of the area available for sale.

The town of Castellón Alto is shaped by the El Argar culture, in a late period of the Bronze Age (1900-1600 BC), where between eighty and one hundred people might have lived.
Today, it is partially rebuilt and tours allow visitors to discover what daily life was like in an agrarian town in 3,500 BC.
The Castellón Alto Archaeological Site is integrated into the Andalusian Network of Cultural Spaces (RECA).
Together with the Cerro del Real site, it forms part of the Ibero-Roman city of Tútugi. The necropolis has been known at the archaeological level since 1920.
The tumular complex of Tútugi, probably one of the largest of the Iberian world, contains more than one hundred tombs, varied as much in the their building structure as in the quality of their dowries. It was here that the famous alabaster statuette of a divinity known as the Lady of Galera appeared. Near the city of Tútugi and its necropolis are a number of small sanctuaries where some type of ritual was performed.
Visits for students, the scientific community and groups of visitors are conducted daily.

This route along the Castril river is suitable for any type of public. Simple and spectacular is perfect for families.
Although the rocky outcrop on which the castle is perched has remains of an earlier occupation dating from the pre-Islamic period, the best examples of occupation date from the 11th century, mainly from the Nasrid period after the Christian Reconquista.
The remains of the castle reveal a rectangular floor with towers, wells and walls that formed part of a defensive system that extended to other parts of the crag. High atop the rock is the “Christ of the Sacred Heart” statue, rebuilt after it was severely damaged by lightning a few years ago.The castle remains can be visited through the tourist office next to the church.
Castril’s historical quarter also deserves special mention since it has been declared a “Site of Historical Interest” and is a wonderful place to enjoy a quiet stroll and discover each and every corner of the old town.
Prominent limestone outcrop that stands out in the middle of the town.
These are strata with strong diving of limestone from the Paleogene that are integrated into the urban landscape of Castril, built around it.
+ INFOFirst Settlers Great Path
The First Settlers Geat Path bring us through a demanding trekking to a place of spectacular beauty full of badlands, wild rivers, history, …
The tour invites us to know for about 6 days the towns of Huéscar, Castril, Galera, Orce, Castilléjar and La Puebla de Don Fadrique.
Its beauty and difficulty make it one of the most outstanding trekkings in Europe.
The First Settlers Geat Path can alse be done by bike or running.

Huéscar boasts one of the clearest skies in Europe due to the minimal light pollution in the area. However, it is undoubtedly in the Sierra de la Sagra where we can enjoy an even cleaner and clearer sky, offering the opportunity to gaze at the stars, witness the passage of shooting stars, and observe the constellations.